The house of Nostradamus at Salon de Provence

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 |  His home  |  His early years  |  The plague  |  University  |  The Humanism  |  The spiral of knowledge  |  The study  |  Books  |  The great calendar  |  Kabbalistic astrology  |  The Centuries  |  Queen Catherine de Médicis  |  The Legacy  |  Prophecies !  | 

The house The house of Nostradamus

Michel de Nostredame was born in Saint Rémy de Provence (France) on the 14th of December 1503, during one the most stimulating yet troubled periods of history. As a true "Renaissance" man, his insatiable thirst for knowledge led him along many roads of search and learning. He was a recognized and very well established doctor of medicine and "astrophile" (a person that loves stars !). He moved towards Salon de Provence year 1547, where he married a young widow, Anne de Ponsard, with whom he got six children. In this house he lived until his death year 1566 ! At this place he wrote the "Centuries", for which he became most famous by the year 1555. Here was the place he met Catherine de Medici during her royal visit year 1564... Today, the house of NostraDamus opens its doors and welcomes you to follow the path of initiation, a path that transformed Michel de Nostredame into Nostradamus, the magus of Salon !  |  Index  | 

His youth His youth - 1506

Jean de Saint-Rémy, a doctor, passes on his knowledge to his great grandson Michel. He educates him the cycles of nature, the seasons and the stars, the recurrent religion wars and conflicts and the wanderings of his people, the Jews. He reveals the mysteries of the Kabbalah which were handed down to him by his ancestors. In the beautifully and magic landscape of St. Rémy de Provence, Michel de Nostredame inherits the secrets of the world of learning and nature that will be a constant inspiration for his life's Work and Art !  |  Index  | 

The plague The plague - 1520

During the year 1348, the Plague reaches the Provence. People who survived the epidemic, at the end of Middle Ages, it seemed that the "Apocalypse" was upon near them : a vast, macabre dance of death before the "Final Judgement". Allthough, the young Nostradamus, driven from town to town by the huge advance of the scourge, soon realized that the horror was too prolonged and cruel, in order to be the expression of divine wrath ! By intuition, he knew that, from terrible ashes, a phoenix would rise up, definitely, in form of the "Renaissance - Rebirth" of mankind, say : the triumph of the will of life ! Famous painters like Bosch and Dürer reflected this "Rebirth" throughout their esoteric works...  |  Index  | 

University University - 1529

Having obtained his "Masters of Arts" at Avignon, Michel de Nostredame was traveling during eight years, studying the use of medicinal plants and herbs... In the footsteps of "Rabelais" and other erudite scholars, Nostradamus went to further his medical studies at Montpellier : a university known for its knowledge of Plato - Aristotle - Avicenna and Hypocrates ! The Western world, so debilitated by wars, disease and religion conflicts, now turned on for inspiration, study of ancient texts, the invention of new machines and the conquest of new continents...  |  Index  | 

Humanism Humanism - 1533

At Agen (french town), Nostradamus got a friend named "Scaliger", famous for his studies concerned "Cicero". Scaliger attacks Erasmus for his non-conformist interpretations of the ancient writers... Houded by the inquisition, Nostradamus got to move on, leaving behind his young wife and two children, who died from plague... During this period of time many free-thinking men got burned on the stake ! Other humanists found a safety refuse at the court of Marguerite de Navarre. Benefiting from the haven she offers, humanists formed secret societies in order to propagate their new ideas !  |  Index  | 

The spiral of knowledge The spiral of knowledge - 1540

During the Middle Ages, belief was founded on a magical and esoteric vision of the world... The Renaissance and the event of "Printing techniques", brought the spread of knowledge, the flowering of architecture and other sciences based on mathematics : "all measure was derived from the human body, which in itself is a microcosm of the universe created by God ! Nostradamus walked on the path of initiation to discover the secrets of the universe - disclosing that this earthy paradise is to be transcended : the first step on the ladder that takes us to big chief "God" !  |  Index  | 

The study The study - 1555

In his Study office located at Salon de Provence (France), Nostradamus wrote the first part of the "Centuries".... To do so, he used an "Astrolab" of own fashion, medical instruments and a very rich library ! As a result of his universal interest, he acquires great knowledge of philosophy, medicine as well as esoterisme ... and during the while of his studies, he received the over all unity of universe in the stars !  |  Index  | 

The great calendar The great calendar - 1555

Nostradamus, the "astrophile - loving stars" traces the path of human life in the cycles of the stars... He follows the five planets and the sun and moon as they pass through the twelve constellations of the Zodiac. He observes the geometric figures formed by the planets' movements and interprets how, through the aspects of the stars and the laws of opposition and attraction, our human vices and virtues are governed by the divine will of the cosmos - order !  |  Index  | 

Kabbalistic astrology Kabbalistic astrology - 1555

Even before the publication of the "Centuries", Nostradamus had established himself and achieved financial security through the practice of astrology applied to the law and medicine. With the secrets of his initiation, he was able to interpret the relationship between an illness or an event and its cause through-out the aspects of the stars ! He used to see the world as a room of mirrors that reflect each other, as a dialogue between two stars, or between stars and men.... The title "magus" comprehends sage, priest and a person that can interpret the signs of natural world. The magus examines the harmony of the universe, understands its vibrations and interprets it for human understanding.  |  Index  | 

The Centuries The Centuries - 1555

The study of the stars leads to the symbolism of the numbers linking towards micro and macrocosm - Man to the universe. Plato gives the philosophy of numbers pride of place over letters, but both numbers and poetry makes the language of God.  |  Index  | 

So doing, Nostradamus left his prophecies on world's future in the form of 10 centuries of quatrains - 1000 poems, each of four lines, in rhyme !

Soli Deo = God is one - two makes up the pair (complementarity/fecundity).

Four is stability and perfection. 1000 is the infinite. "Numbers are but the reception of unity." !

Un multiple

Queen Catherine de Médicis Queen Catherine de Médicis - 1564

The visit of Catherine de Medici, Charles IX and the Court on October 17th 1564, was a landmark in Nostradamus' career and even an historical moment.... The astrological predictions that Catherine, queen of France, received from Nostradamus, enabled her to take measures to maintain the unity of the kingdom through the turbulent period that lay ahead. The young king Charles IX remembers the esteem in which his father held Nostradamus : he honored him with the appointment of advisor and Physician-in-Ordinary to his majesty !  |  Index  | 

The Legacy The Legacy - 1566

Apart from his almanacs, Nostradamus wrote four major works :

Like Plato's five perfect bodies, the works of Nostradamus are comprehensive, ageless and express the eternal enigmas at each turning point in history. our history...

Nostra Damus, means :
we give that which we have, we transmit our knowledge !
Time is nothing, love is all you need.

Some books on Nostradamus !  |  Index  | 

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