S E R V I C E S !

The cabbalistic astrology is a science in self, told Albert Einstein ... and NostraDamus practiced it for its predictions of all times...

Thus, we continue this tradition that we propose you in our multiple services.
The cabbalistic astrology liberates us from fate of bad destiny and ignorance!

Many have already consulted us ... what about You ?


. . . a Direct Reading per tel . . .

00 - 33 - 04 - 90 - 77 - 41 - 24

or per email :

Your forename
Your name
Date of birth
Hour of birth (with minutes)
Great closest city


For your security, terms and conditions are confirmed by email !
For free :
For your Success, how to know your three Spirits of Light !
The processing of a question by direct seeing,
confirmed by E-mail:
General purpose consulting, direct seeing, during
one hour and confirmed by E-mail :
Your karmic and cabbalistic astrology, dated
recorded on three audio tapes of 60 min., plus complete file:
Your complete cabbalistic life theme astrology, dated
and recorded on seven audio tapes, plus complete file:
Your cabbalistic solar revolution theme, started from your birthday,
dated and recorded on three audio tapes of 60 min., plus file:
Cabbalistic astrology themes starting on several dates,
such as birthday, marriage, association, constitution of business, relationship, etc. Recorded on:
Your astrological theme computerized,
such as induvidual, solar revolution, marriage, associates, events, horoscope, important decision making, confirmed on file of 30 pages :

Your information will be processed confidentially !

Tel 00 33 04-90-77-41-24 !

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